Would you rather battle a:
Would you rather be a ____ mouse:
40% Spy
26% Country
13% Medieval
12% City
7% Business
2% Pirate
There's this Germany saying da würde ich gern Mäuschen spielen loosely translating to I'd like to be a mouse in there -- but actually it's just our version of I’d like to be a fly on the wall … so all my life, I verbally trained for being a spy mouse already :)
Answer: Medieval
From: Juard
Read waaaay too much of the Redwall series as a kid. Plus might be a little harder for falcons to fuss with one.
I did too! Redwall was my favorite book! Eulalia!!! - Chris
Answer: Spy
From: ??
The spy mouse looks like they are wearing a very comfortable sweater, and honestly that's what matters in These Trying Times.
Answer: Spy
Okay, okay, okay. This one was hard. But ultimately, I’d rather be a spy mouse. I’d be like Ratatouille and Archer mixed. I’d have a human companion who just thought I was his pet and then once he falls asleep, its spy time!
"It's spy time" made me laugh more than anything else this week. Kudos. - Chris
From: City
If the rats in NY are any indication, my chance of becoming a ROUS is greatest in the city!
From: Medieval
That's about as close to Reepicheep as I can get and really I'd love to be as awesome as him. Valiant, honorable, kind, and self-sacrificing. Can't get much better than that.
Bonus Content
We've got an idea that's just half-baked enough to work.
Would you want some to play a series of would you rather's in a row that moved a single story along? We'd send a scenario, and depending on which choice won, we'd continue the story on the next week with another choice.
Reply and let us know, or if you think of something more fun, let us know that!
If you've got ideas for fun scenarios, reply to this email and send them our way.
If you don't think this is a fun idea, please share the link with an enemy.