1. Gotta get that vitamin D during the day
2. I'm always cold and you get a free fur coat! Plus I'm super squeamish about blood, so it's a win - win! -Gia
3. If we're talking traditional vampires, i.e. I can't be in the sun, I'm too much like a plant (requires sunlight) to be a vampire. I'd rather lock myself up during a full moon than miss out on sunlight. -@MichArela
4. Ok this was really hard because you didn't include nearly enough information to make this decision. Are we talking about straight up evil vampires or a vampire with a conscience. And what kind of strengths/weaknesses would I have - flying, turning into fog, turning into a
bat, super strength, losing my reflection, allergic to garlic, allergic to sunlight, sparkliness? And on the werewolf side are we talking turning into an actual wolf or a man-beast wolf? And the strengths/weaknesses apply here too - in human form do I retain any wolfy abilities, can I shift whenever I want to or only on the full moon, can I do partial shifts or only full shifts, when I shift do I keep my wits about me or do I go full on wolf killing sprees, do I remember what I did when I was in
wolf form?
At the end of the day it comes down to the fact that I like sunlight and traditional vampires can't go out in the sun. However, if it's a sun resistant flying/fog transforming vampire I reserve the right to change my vote.
5. Who doesn't want to be a werewolf!? I can bring out my inner Sirius Black! -@maxs.pops