1. As a ghost, I could walk through walls, spook my neighbors, and generally have fun. Being abducted by aliens doesn't give you cool powers, it just gives you nightmares.
2. I feel like here is a better chance to reason with a ghost than an alien, you know, for survival. At least the ghost was once a human!
- camillebeaudoin.com (Camille is an amazing designer and we're so blown away that she reads our newsletter!)
3. So I won’t die - Joey, age 12 - Aley C.
4. Haunting people would be so fun
- @katcolohan (Geez... Kat's an amazing designer too!)
5. Being abducted by aliens would be absolutely terrifying! Have you ever seen Fire in the Sky?! NOPE. I’ll ghost all day long. 👻
- Erica
6. The physical body sucks. It has so much problems and ailments, being ghost is much easier. Plus I can phase through walls. AND if I miss eating or anything physical, I can always just possess someone. All the perks of a body without having to care for one.
- @hyechocomon
6. Less probes