1. I heard noodling for catfish feels like sandpaper. I'd take my chances putting my hand in a live catfish mouth and possibly pulling out a trophy fish rather than a bucket of gross, slimy wriggling worms.
2. Well, simply put, I'm more of a results-oriented person. If I put my hand into a bucket of worms, I can't imagine any real benefit from doing so. I'd just have a sticky hand. I'm not aware of Jergens or any other health care product espousing the benefits of
wriggler-juice(tm) for your skin, but I can't imagine it is a pleasant experience.
That being said... If the juice is worth the squeeze, I'll work through some discomfort, which is where the catfish comes into play. I've never "noodled" before, which is a term that describes the act of catching a catfish with this very act. Apparently they will easily latch on to your arm and then you just pull.
If I could catch a decent sized catfish, at least I'd have supper.
3. Plain old curiosity. Could find some geocaching treasure in there