Best Darn Responses.
He’s not as annoying. Plus he’s actually really nice in most of his cooking tutorials I’ve seen! Also, he curses a lot!
I don’t want to go to FlavorTown.
I'm not convinced GUY is a strong cook, per se. We all know his pallet is solid, and the dude can try a large variety of foods...But can the guy make a 9 year old prodigy chef, and then turn around an make a 39 year old chef cry? Ramsey's got that on lock.
Gordon Ramsey's only a jerk when he's yelling at professional chefs who should know better. I'm enough of a dumb amateur that he'd probably just be existentially despairing.
This was so tough! I chose Guy because I don't think I'd do well with Gordon's style. I'd probably cry the whole time. But I do think Gordon would probably be able to teach me more - I just wouldn't be able to learn. Because I'd be crying.
There can be only one real mayor of flavortown. He is the highlander of food and devours all those in the path of his fiery frosted tips.
Might as well ask if you'd rather learn to drive from the jerk behind the counter at the DMV or from that dude down the street with the Trans-AM blasting 'Kickstart My Heart'
i want to go to flavortown