Best Darn Responses.
First off, I
would be able to eat all the free eggs I wanted. Hungry? No problem! Free eggs for all! I would single handedly end hunger in my community, as well as be very popular amongst michevious teens at Halloween.
It would also be fun to use the expression, “I’m running around like a chicken with its head cut off!
slugs are gross
I've always like the way chickens strut around the farm yard. I think it makes them look confident.
Chickens are really
fast. Have you ever tried to catch a chicken? They are quick lil buggers.
Also talons. A great weapon against any foe!
I'll take the risk of being murdered by salt wielding madmen. The ability to climb on walls is just too darn good!
This is in protest of all the terrible "what up, chicken butt?" jokes that will inevitably roll in. smh.
I will not be tempted to eat myself! :)